GUN STREET GIRL: Action, Magic, and Monsters in London!

A project in Southwold, Canada by Rodolfo Martinez

Status: Active

Liz: solves problems by punching them! Eddie: hard-luck street magician! Prana: Liz's girlfriend (says this is all way too dangerous)!
Backers: 16
Average Daily Pledges: $82 CAD
Average Pledge Per Backer: $51 CAD

Funding: $820 CAD of $5,000 CAD
Dates: Mar 4th -> Apr 6th (34 days)
Project By: Rodolfo Martinez
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$820 CAD

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Last Updated: 25 minutes ago


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$2,788 CAD

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Latest News

Update # 9: Why I Felt Insulted (And Maybe You Should Feel That Way, Too)

March 12th - via:
Why I Felt Insulted (and maybe you should feel that way, too) (by Barb Lien-Cooper) When I started at Sequential Tart, I thought, “Maybe the only reason women don’t get jobs in comics is because the publishers and fans aren’t aware that women... (Read More)

Update #8: Why I Wrote Gun Street Girl

March 11th - via:
Why I Wrote Gun Street Girl(by Barb Lien-Cooper)Let me take you back to when I wrote GSG.Superhero comics had gone from Grim and Gritty being an alternative to heroic comics to every last powered hero being a real jerk.  I said at the time that... (Read More)

Update #7: Gun Street Girl Artist, Ryan Howe

March 10th - via:
Ryan writes: It is incredibly weird to think about how long I’ve been posting art online. The very first drawing I ever posted was some Warcraft II fanart on Lothlorien, a really, really early fantasy art gallery around 1994 or 1995 maybe? And... (Read More)

Update #6: Cracker

March 9th - via:
Park: Hi there-- Park Cooper here once again, husband of the writer of Gun Street Girl, Barb Lien-Cooper.  Today, we're going to talk briefly about a BBC television show whose main character was somewhat of an inspiration for Gun Street Girl's... (Read More)

Update #5: Comic Books

March 8th - via:
Hi there-- Park Cooper here, husband of the writer of Gun Street Girl, Barb Lien-Cooper. Barb created Gun Street Girl with artist Ryan Howe, and she wrote the stories (I helped somewhat with editing and panel layout and describing things for the... (Read More)

Update #4: Why Our Comics/Novels Do NOT Share a Universe

March 7th - via:
Why Our Comics/Novels Do NOT Share a Universe (by Barb Lien-Cooper) From a really young age, I adored stories about the supernatural. I got into World Mythology when I was about eight years old. I was also a comic book reader. I read DC's comics... (Read More)

Update #3: From Comics to Novels (by Barb)

March 6th - via:
From Comics to Novels (by Barb Lien-Cooper) As I mentioned previously, I left comics in favor of a job in the manga industry, where my husband and I edited and adapted manga. Oh, my, was that a breath of fresh air! The editors loved my work, my... (Read More)

Update #2: Reviews and Praise for Gun Street Girl

March 5th - via:
I felt it might be a good time, right now, to share just some of our favorite reviews and praise that Gun Street Girl has gotten... ********** “Our current rave [for digital graphic novels] has to be Gun Street Girl . . . Sassy, smart, and socially... (Read More)

UPDATE #1: Fun from the Past...

March 4th - via:
Hey there, Park Cooper of Wicker Man Studios here! I'm the husband of Barbara Lien-Cooper, the writer and creator of GUN STREET GIRL, along with artist Ryan Howe! We're really excited and happy to start this Kickstarter for GSG! Here (below) is a... (Read More)

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